The PC reflector is a reflector that uses a point light bulb as the light source and needs long-distance spotlighting. When the PC reflector is installed, the light pattern will be gathered. The most important function of lamps and lanterns is to distribute light, that is: to distribute light to the required position according to demand. There are many ways and tools for light distribution. On LED indoor recessed lighting, there are mainly lenses, PC reflectors, and transparent glass. Since the luminous characteristic of the LED chip is surface emission, the main function of the PC reflector is to control the quantity of light (the intensity of the light center, the size of the spot, etc.) and the quality of the light (the quality of the spot includes the edge and fading effect, etc.)
The production process of PC reflector
According to the material, reflectors can be divided into metal reflector cups; PC reflector cups; glass reflector cup1. PC reflector:
one-time stripping, low cost, and poor temperature resistance, often used in lamps that require low-temperature lighting. It has 2 processes, all-in-one electroplating, and UV electroplating. All-in-one electroplating: silicone oil➩Aluminum plating➩silicone oil UV electroplating: UV➩Aluminum plating➩UV2. Metal reflector:
it needs to be stamped and polished. The advantages are moderate cost and temperature resistance. It is often used in flashlights and portable lamps.3. Glass reflector:
one-time stripping, high optical precision, no deformation memory, temperature resistance, the disadvantage is high cost, fragile and heavy. Often used in high-quality products that do not require movement. Such as movie projectors, searchlights, locomotive headlights, etc.